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Multi channel Analyzer MCA ver.3 Scintillation Survey Meter without probe

Multi channel Analyzer MCA ver.3 Scintillation Survey Meter (without probe)


Unique sell - Scintillation Survey Meter & MCA ver.3.50 without probe. 

Expected to ship within 2 weeks after the payment.

Compatible with NaI(Tl) scintillation probes that has high impedance divider on tube. 

With your probe, the device can be used as a simple gamma spectrometer and survey meter with fast responce.


  • MCA & CPS Survey Meter with gamma doserate
  • MCA 10bit 1024 Channels ADC
  • Default Energy Range: 26keV-3000keV
  • 2 sigma alert in scintillation mode for fast search
  • CPS standard deviation calibration can be triggered from menu
  • In scintillation mode beeps on every 5-50 particle, can be switched to mute or alert only
  • Internal Flash memory for spectrum CSV storage
  • Engineering Menu 
  • USB communication for spectrum data download and calibration with MCA Terminal
  • USB Gamma Spectrum Live Mode with MCA Terminal
  • Display 128 x 64 dots, readable in daylight
  • Battery: 1000mAh 3.7V USB rechargeable & replaceable
  • Recommended Maximum Count Rate for Spectra < 1000 CPS
  • Survey Meter CPS count rate <10000 CPS
  • High Voltage driver: 600V-1000V for ~100Meg probe load
  • Pulse amplifier with adjustable gain ration
  • On/Off with long press on the button


The MCA ver.3 is a basic Gamma Spectrometer and Scintillation Counter Survey Meter. It has low power consumption, fast response alert, ergonomic enclosure and a readable in daylight LCD screen. The counter made for prospecting radioactive samples and making gamma spectrum in situ for the initial tests of the samples. MCA ver.3 it's not a RIID, but it can give you an overall impression of the gamma energy emitted from the sources.  

3.60 firmware has optimized detection procedures for Am-241, Cs-137 and Ra-226.

The board has regulated high voltage circuit with adjustable output of 600V-1000V postive polarity that allows to connect a NaI(Tl) probe with BNC cable. Probes with high impedance divider of ~50Meg-120Meg are supported. The pulse pre-amplifier set for an optimal gain, however you can re-adjust it if required.


UNIT CALIBRATION of hardware gain and software settings IS REQUIRED. Any scintillation crystal always have some light output brightness difference. Any photomultiplier tube from the same batch can come with noticeable gain tolerance even on the same high voltage bias. If you are using an old stock or surplus-sale probe, settings for every probe can vary. The performance of the gamma spectrometer is strictly depending on your NaI(Tl) scintillation probe specifications and hardware/software calibration of the unit.  Please avoid shorting high voltage on BNC socket and do not use hot plug of the probe because HV arcing across the BNC jack can ruin sensitive electronics. 


You will need to open the MCA enclosure and to adjust high voltage and pulse amplifier gain for your probe. Hardware calibration instruction is included. To set the hardware gain correctly with your probe you will need an oscilloscope, isotopes set and basic ability to read signals with scope.

Software calibration with MCA Terminal Windows 7/8 application needs to be performed after hardware calibration. In software calibration you'll need to set gamma dose rate factor, polynomial coefficients for energy scale, min/max channel filter.


Package Include:

  • 1pcs MCA ver.3 assembled into enclosure
  • 1pcs USB to GX12-5 cable


DOWNLOAD PDF with calibration instruction

DOWNLOAD firmware 3.50 hex file

DOWNLOAD firmware 3.60 hex file


If you need firmware update technical advice please contact our support.


Video demonstration of MCA ver.3 with 63x63mm NaI(Tl) probe:

3 sigma alert threshold

vintage radium-226 clock


Software for calibration and spectrum download:

MCA Terminal 


Compatible probe wiring diagram. The example probe wiring diagram can be viewed here. Resistors are 1% 100ppm or better. Capacitors are 10nF 2kV. Recommended BNC cable part number CT2942-100. Recommended BNC jack for probe is 31-221-RFX.

For MCA ver.3 we recommend to use probes with low voltage photomultipliers that works below 1kV, for example XP5312, R1307, R6095 and etc.


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