Equipment for radiation detection

Nuclear Pioneer RIID MCA
The MCA can work as a robust Gamma Spectrometer and as a Scintillation Counter Survey Meter. Nuclear Pioneer has high count rate performance for spectrum mode and for scintillation search mode. Software can automatically identify isotopes. The hardware has regulated high voltage circuit with adjustable output of 600V-1000V positive polarity that allows to connect a NaI(Tl) probe with BNC cable. Depending on probe & crystal efficiency and the MCA settings, you can get gamma ray spectrum in range of 26keV - 3000keV.
MPPC Silicon Photomultiplier (SiPM) board
Driver board of USB DIY Gamma Spectrometer for MPPC Silicon Photomultiplier (SiPM) detector. The board sold soldered and tested. Recommended for usage with MicroFC 60035 silicon photomultiplier and 8x8x50 CsI(Tl) crystal. Audio ADC is compatible with popular Theremino MCA, PRA and BecqMoni2011. All you need to do is to wire the cable and to set SiPM bias voltage. Calibration is basic and very simple!
Gamma Viewer MCA
DIY Multi Channel Analyzer for amateur Gamma Spectroscopy. The module is assembled board based on PIC18 microcontroller. It allows to view and collect gamma spectum instantly without a computer and safe spectra on micro SD card. Display can be set for 128-1024 channels. The 10bit ADC of the microprocessor allows to measure pulse amplitude preciously, but you need to setup a compatible pulse preamplier on your PMT probe. The MCA is recommended for low count rate speed < 1000CPS
MyGeiger ver.3 PRO
MyGeiger ver.3 PRO DIY Geiger Counter kit is intended for enthusiasts, a physics students, teachers and researchers engages in radiation study. It fit hobby projects as well as environment or laboratory test. MyGeiger ver.3. is compatible with wide range of 400V and 500V Geiger tubes; it has flexible options for calibration that allows you to adjust your counter for different GM tubes.
The kit has re-designed efficient high voltage with enlarged output power, faster microprocessor with updated and enhanced software, setup menu, USB CPM / CPS logging, faster lithium charger, reduced power consumption, power safe sleep mode and comfortable big buttons for control. Now it got the ability to operate in radiation field higher than 1500uSv/h with SBM-20 where the tube operates at the maximum possible count rate.
The device has two working modes: Gamma Dose Rate Meter and Average CPS counter. In averaging mode it can be switched to work as a digital counter for an external scintillation probe as soon as the input signal from the probe fit requirements of the pulse polarity and amplitude.
Electronic board of the kit comes fully soldered and tested, you only need to add your favorite GM tube and lithium battery.
MyGeiger has lifetime technical support. If you want to keep your firmware version up to date then you are welcome to contact us for getting hex file update.